Friday, February 22, 2013

Convention Activities

It’s time to start thinking about what contests and activities you might want to participate in at the convention, beside the required Academic Tests.  For detailed information on all the contests and activities on offer, look here at the convention site.

If you want to organize a team for any of the following chapter contests, please let us know ASAP, because we need to pre-register:  Chariot, Catapult, Battle of the Bands, Team Gladiator Combat, Basketball, Dodgeball, Quidditch, Giant Jenga Jeopardy 

We encourage you all to sign up for contests/activities. Participating in them should make convention more fun.  Here are some you might want to consider:
  • Aeneid/Catullus Recitation (HS-Adv only)  For this contest, you memorize a passage of Latin and recite it for the judges. One of the Aeneid passages is arma virumque cano. The Catullus passage is Catullus 5 (vivamus mea Lesbia atque amemus). 
  • Latin Oratory  Memorize a passage of Cicero and recite it for the judges. Show off your public speaking skills. 
  • Roman Rant (English Oratory)  Compose a three-minute speech in English on any Roman-related topic or one that is connected to one of the convention themes. The speech does not have to be memorized. 
  • Latin Sight Reading  Recite a given passage of Latin, showing off your immaculate Latin pronunciation. You do not have to prepare anything beforehand for this contest. 

All the passages for the Academic Contests are available here on the convention website, and more information about the Art, Music and Sports contests can be found here.

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